Scam Pattern: a scammer creates a fake profile on Russiancupid, then the scammer offers to use translations services via a REALLY EXISTING agency but scammer creates a fake email address ""
Hello and been a victim of a romantic scam through the internet by a girl named Oksana with Ukrainian nationality,
He wrote me through the page Russiancupid
That later I delete your profile of this page.
And he asked me for money after sentimental manipulation in order to have this benefit.
I managed to realize at that moment,
I only made a deposit of $ 50, I was requesting 100 dollars more because I suffered an accident, I sent a link to send the first 50 dollars to pay the translation and continue talking with her.
link of the translation and mail company:
I enclose some messages and photos of the person in question, I do not want other people to continue falling into this deception and that, apparently, has complicity with other people.
I will be attentive to any question. regards
------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
Tests and emails of the people mentioned:
Client: Oksana
Good day, Mr.Andrei Brown,
We provide our translation service and the payment for 1 mail
translation is 3USD or 2.5 Euro . For this price you get the
translation, expenses for Internet and computer usage, also the
printing of the letter. For photos we impose the additional price,
printing or scanning would cost 0.6 usd / 0.4 Euro . So this way you
can put some amount for account and we will deduct from it for our
We also provide special "unlimited service" and the price depends on
the period of package usage.
For 1 month of "unlimited service"
-including photos - 140 USD/120 Euro
-without photos - 125 USD/100 Euro
For 2 months of "unlimited service" WILL BE CHEAPER:
-including photos - 235 USD/200 Euro
-without photos - 200 USD/165 Euro
For also provide Skype online translation
For 20 minutes of online translation:
- 50 USD/ 45 Euro
THERE ARE 2 ways of paying for the Service:
To pay on the name of our MANAGER, who is responsible for financial
sector. It is possible to do Also using Western union, RIA, Azimo,
MoneyGram or with the DATA:
First name - Vitaliy
Second - Pchelinskiy
County - Ukraine
City - Kherson
Address - University street 31
When you make the transfer you receive the special MTCN including
necessary transfer details:
Please send these required details to this mail address or our
agency's one Also you take the photo of your transfer list. And only
THEN to refill the account for continuing your correspondence
----------------------------- --OR-------------------------- ----------
Good day, Mr.Andrei Brown,
We provide our translation service and the payment for 1 mail
translation is 3USD or 2.5 Euro . For this price you get the
translation, expenses for Internet and computer usage, also the
printing of the letter. For photos we impose the additional price,
printing or scanning would cost 0.6 usd / 0.4 Euro . So this way you
can put some amount for account and we will deduct from it for our
We also provide special "unlimited service" and the price depends on
the period of package usage.
For 1 month of "unlimited service"
-including photos - 140 USD/120 Euro
-without photos - 125 USD/100 Euro
For 2 months of "unlimited service" WILL BE CHEAPER:
-including photos - 235 USD/200 Euro
-without photos - 200 USD/165 Euro
For also provide Skype online translation
For 20 minutes of online translation:
- 50 USD/ 45 Euro
THERE ARE 2 ways of paying for the Service:
To pay on the name of our MANAGER, who is responsible for financial
sector. It is possible to do Also using Western union, RIA, Azimo,
MoneyGram or with the DATA:
First name - Vitaliy
Second - Pchelinskiy
County - Ukraine
City - Kherson
Address - University street 31
When you make the transfer you receive the special MTCN including
necessary transfer details:
Please send these required details to this mail address or our
agency's one Also you take the photo of your transfer list. And only
THEN to refill the account for continuing your correspondence
To pay DIRECTLY on your lady's name by Western union, Ria/ MoneyGram
services. For this method you need to have ALL DATA information about
your lady, which is:
First name - Oksana
Surname - Rymarchyk
Country - Ukraine
City - Kherson
Address - Chernomorska steet 28
Zip code - 73009
With respect,
Executive Manager
Vitaliy Pchelinskiy
services. For this method you need to have ALL DATA information about
your lady, which is:
First name - Oksana
Surname - Rymarchyk
Country - Ukraine
City - Kherson
Address - Chernomorska steet 28
Zip code - 73009
With respect,
Executive Manager
Vitaliy Pchelinskiy
Bonjour, je m’appelle…
Bonjour, je m’appelle Monique LANTIN (île de la Réunion) et je suis victime d’une arnaque sentimentale sur le net. Le prétendant s’appelle Alain Verdier médecin chirurgien à Lille parti en mission humanitaire en Côte d’Ivoire et c’est fait bloquer sa carte bancaire et enlevée son passeport. On sympathise et au bout de quelques jours, il me demande 750 euros pour les frais de l’hôtel 5 étoiles, car il n’a plus de carte, ceci dit, je me dis pourquoi pas et je lui envoie via le western union les 750 euros qu'il m'avait demandé.
J'AI ÉTÉ VICTIME D'ARNAQUE SENTIMENTALE SUR MEETIC La semaine suivante il doit rentrer en France et par coup de mal chance il se fait attrapé a la douane car soit disant il avait des médicaments pour le stresse sur lui qui ne sont pas autoriser la bas mais en France oui, il me demande 1500 euros pour les frais de son hôtel , je le lui donne toujours par les mêmes moyens, deux semaines plus tard il opère un gamin qui décède et soit disant les parents richissimes Je le poursuit en justice et là c’est la garde a vue pareil il demande encore des sous cette fois les sommes sont plus importantes cela varie entre 7 250 et 9 500 euros pour lui éviter la prison, et c’est reparti je paye dernièrement il devait rentrer a la Réunion pour me rencontrer soit disant et là coup de mal chance il a un accident de la circulation et se retrouve a l’hôpital et là aussi les frais sont exorbitant car la bas tout est payant et les frais médicaux ne sont pas donner cette fois il demande 6000 euros que je refuse de payer car je trouve cela pas normal alors il me demande de payer la moitié que je refuse aussi et au final se sera que 3000 euros pour finir de m’amadouer je paye les 2000 euros et il rentre encore un coup de mal chance il est opéré hier soir et dans le coma donc impossible de rentrer son médecin du nom de Pascal HUBERT qui est fictif aussi me contacte via le Messenger de Bruno VANCHE et me met au courant de la situation là je me pose et réfléchie je me dis que cela fait quatre fois qu’il doit soit disant rentrer en vain je trouve cela louche.
Là, j’ai commencé à douter de sa sincérité alors j’ai exposé mon cas à une ex marie qui m'a mis en contact avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX qui est un ami pour lui depuis l'enfance qui est un agent Interpole qui m’a beaucoup aidé. Après avoir eu des collaborations avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX m'a demandé de lui faire voir les preuves reçues photo pièces d'identité etc. Grâce aux preuves fournies au Lieutenant, j'ai reçu à tout récupérer en effet, il m’a démontré que c'était de l’arnaque alors il m’a aidé à me faire rembourser avec un dédommagement.
Je prie toute personne ayant été victime d’une arnaque de contacter cette organisation afin qu’elle puisse vous aider à retrouver vos escrocs enfin d’être remboursé avec un dédommagement.
Pour ceux qui sont dans la même situation que moi essayer de joindre le directeur de l’interpole M. PASCAL TAVIAUX et vous aurez satisfaction merci.
Cordialement à vous
Thanks for sharing this…
Thanks for sharing this information. It is important that others are aware of such scams.
If a women/girl cant speak
If a women/girl cant speak any English... then how can you have a real relationship? You cant take the translator home :) so if cant communicate with the girl directly it seems she is not serious anyways,
yeah, me too. stop scam
yeah, me too. stop scam
Thank Google for this post, I
Thank Google for this post, I dodged this one!
I also was in communication
I also was in communication with this woman and when the translation company asked for a lot of money to continue our communication, I did not reply anymore. I have pictures of her but do not know how to put them here