I have been on UADreams for several months now. Although I think it might be a scam site with many younger beautiful girls, I also believe there are woman on their site for true romance. Am I wrong?
I have been on UADreams for several months now. Although I think it might be a scam site with many younger beautiful girls, I also believe there are woman on their site for true romance. Am I wrong?
Bonjour, je m’appelle…
Bonjour, je m’appelle Monique LANTIN (île de la Réunion) et je suis victime d’une arnaque sentimentale sur le net. Le prétendant s’appelle Alain Verdier médecin chirurgien à Lille parti en mission humanitaire en Côte d’Ivoire et c’est fait bloquer sa carte bancaire et enlevée son passeport. On sympathise et au bout de quelques jours, il me demande 750 euros pour les frais de l’hôtel 5 étoiles, car il n’a plus de carte, ceci dit, je me dis pourquoi pas et je lui envoie via le western union les 750 euros qu'il m'avait demandé.
J'AI ÉTÉ VICTIME D'ARNAQUE SENTIMENTALE SUR MEETIC La semaine suivante il doit rentrer en France et par coup de mal chance il se fait attrapé a la douane car soit disant il avait des médicaments pour le stresse sur lui qui ne sont pas autoriser la bas mais en France oui, il me demande 1500 euros pour les frais de son hôtel , je le lui donne toujours par les mêmes moyens, deux semaines plus tard il opère un gamin qui décède et soit disant les parents richissimes Je le poursuit en justice et là c’est la garde a vue pareil il demande encore des sous cette fois les sommes sont plus importantes cela varie entre 7 250 et 9 500 euros pour lui éviter la prison, et c’est reparti je paye dernièrement il devait rentrer a la Réunion pour me rencontrer soit disant et là coup de mal chance il a un accident de la circulation et se retrouve a l’hôpital et là aussi les frais sont exorbitant car la bas tout est payant et les frais médicaux ne sont pas donner cette fois il demande 6000 euros que je refuse de payer car je trouve cela pas normal alors il me demande de payer la moitié que je refuse aussi et au final se sera que 3000 euros pour finir de m’amadouer je paye les 2000 euros et il rentre encore un coup de mal chance il est opéré hier soir et dans le coma donc impossible de rentrer son médecin du nom de Pascal HUBERT qui est fictif aussi me contacte via le Messenger de Bruno VANCHE et me met au courant de la situation là je me pose et réfléchie je me dis que cela fait quatre fois qu’il doit soit disant rentrer en vain je trouve cela louche.
Là, j’ai commencé à douter de sa sincérité alors j’ai exposé mon cas à une ex marie qui m'a mis en contact avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX qui est un ami pour lui depuis l'enfance qui est un agent Interpole qui m’a beaucoup aidé. Après avoir eu des collaborations avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX m'a demandé de lui faire voir les preuves reçues photo pièces d'identité etc. Grâce aux preuves fournies au Lieutenant, j'ai reçu à tout récupérer en effet, il m’a démontré que c'était de l’arnaque alors il m’a aidé à me faire rembourser avec un dédommagement.
Je prie toute personne ayant été victime d’une arnaque de contacter cette organisation afin qu’elle puisse vous aider à retrouver vos escrocs enfin d’être remboursé avec un dédommagement.
Pour ceux qui sont dans la même situation que moi essayer de joindre le directeur de l’interpole M. PASCAL TAVIAUX et vous aurez satisfaction merci.
Cordialement à vous
My friends, be happy like…
My friends, be happy like that, is so good that you are happy to be there on this site, did some one of you married to your lady you are talking, someone of you, my any lucky friend, of course its a good website, real website, you pay for real relation with your lady, but end result did someone of you make your lady a bride, if yes then we will soon join you there on UAdreams,
The site seems okay, but you…
The site seems okay, but you need to be very cautious. There are no guarantees that everything will go smoothly.
Uadreams is a scam dating…
Uadreams is a scam dating site with a success rate about 2%.
To get in the 2% you have to be wealthy, to be lucky and to have realistic search criteria.
To hide and camouflage their scams they have a whole team what is posting fake reviews on all the forums where uadreams is mentioned.
We don't delete those fake reviews to show how realistic they are and how they help to mislead hesitating men.
While most of scams victims are ashamed to post the details about how stupid they were to spend so much money for nothing, Uadreams orders hundreds of fake reviews about positive experience.
The only true information about Uadreams is that all the ladies profiles belong to real women.
But the goal of the beautiful girls is to serve as bait to make men pay money.
Contact our team is you have any particular questions about Uadreams and any other dating site.
The customer service team at…
The customer service team at UaDreams impressed me with their promptness and attentiveness. Every time I reached out with inquiries or sought help, they were immediately there to offer assistance and direction. Their commitment to providing excellent service truly enhanced my experience on the platform, making me feel appreciated and well-cared for. I usually communicate with the manager Elmira but Ksenia also answers my e-mails. I have a feeling that we are already good friends with them;)
Its important to note that…
Its important to note that uadreams operates on a pay-per-service model which means that communication tools such as sending emails and video chatting come with a fee while some might find this pricing model a bit high compared to other dating sites i found the quality of service and the security measures in place justified the costs the platform does a good job of being transparent about their fees so I never encountered any unexpected charges. I am very satisfied with their services as the chat work very fast and the video image is of premium quality.
The highlight of my…
The highlight of my experience with UaDreams was participating in their trip arrangement service to meet a lady I had been communicating with. The team took care of everything, from the accommodation to setting up the meeting. While the journey to Ukraine was a significant step, the staff made it as smooth and comfortable as possible. Meeting someone in person after getting to know them online was a unique and unforgettable experience.
UAdreams time waisting When…
UAdreams time waisting
When you chat with your lady. Look if she is typing. It's someone else.
All the so called happy men, even those who managed a hook up with your lady. Where is she now. Are you married. Anyone of you that knows a success story please let me know. I will have so much hope.
The happy guys here. Yes you speaking to a real guy. She is sincere. All is well organized. She will never be yours!!
My personal experience I…
My personal experience
I believe the site is real. The organization is real and they make real hook up once you arrive in Ukraine. There is many girls that just want you to spend time with them on chat because they all earn money.
Now you get the occasional real girl. You start a chat and I actually thought I found my love. Go try to make contact outside the site. Nothing. You will have no success because there they don't earn money. Now maybe you are the lucky 2 % marriage success story. That is like a drop of water in a bathtub if you catch me. Many guys have managed to go to Ukraine and even meet their lady. Well organized. Meeting is real.
Even some guys here are telling how well organized it is. This is my question. You don't read of even one, not even one success story. Any guy who found his wife let me know in person because I want to hear how you ended up being the 2% .
I am friends with a lady I would go to the moon for but you do get those red flags coming up occasionally. I still hope to be that 2% but what's the odds. She is sweet, cares about me etc etc etc. I pick up small things between the lines. When was the video actually made she send to me. There is so many small things in between you pick up with time. Very well organized booming business and we do the paying.
Upon joining UaDreams, the…
Upon joining UaDreams, the website's professional design immediately caught my attention. It was user-friendly, making it easy to browse through profiles of Ukrainian women. The detailed profiles, complete with photos and videos, were particularly impressive, providing a good sense of who each person was before initiating contact.
I can distinguish UaDreams…
I can distinguish UaDreams from all other sites based on the following characteristics; real girls (this is checked using documents), real video chats, where the video is not recorded. You can check this yourself, and I have already been convinced many times. Support center - real people. Ksenia and Elmira and Victoria (trip manager) have helped me resolve some issues more than once. I even talked with the top manager Olga, who is also very kind and a true professional. They have 16 branches throughout Ukraine. A very serious agency and I wholeheartedly recommend UaDreams.
Bonjour, vous devriez mettre…
Bonjour, vous devriez mettre a jours vos infos. Rien qu'une photo reçu vous coute 4€ pour l'ouvrir, un sms 140 caracteres ou 1 mail 4200 caractères 7€, 10 minutes de tchat video 20€ ATTENTION LE TCHAT VIDEO NE VOUS PERMET PAS DE PARLER AVEC VOTRE CORRESPONDANTE MAIS SEULEMENT DE VOUS VOIR EN TCHATTANT PAR ECRIT, PERMETTANT A CETTE ENTREPRISE DE VOUS EMPECHER DE LAISSER VOS MAILS, RESEAU SOCIAL OU AUTRE CAR LU ET VERIFIÉ EN TEMPS REEL. LES FEMMES SONT TERRORISÉS DE VOUS CONTACTER AUTREMENT QU'EN PASSANT PAR LE SITE, SOUS MENACES POUR ELLE D'ÊTRE EXCLUS. De plus, lors de leurs inscriptions ont les terrorisent en leur lavant le cerveau en leur bourrant lecrâne que si elle se connecte ailleurs elles auront de nombreuses mauvaises surprises pzrfoiscraves, viol et autres, alorsque cme he l'ai dit a mes 2 contacts, "lorsque l'on va se rencontrer qui te dit qu'en plus, physiquement devant moi, je ne travaille pas pour un réseau de prostitution et t'enlèce direction Berlin ou l'Espagne? ou un violeur? Hallucinant de profiter de toutes ces femmes traumatisés pour la plupart par cette guerre innommable. UN MOYEN DE DONNER VOTRE MAIL OU D'ECRIRE SANS PAYER, UTILISEZ VOTRE PHOTO DE PROFIL QUI ELLE N'ANALYSE PAS LE CODE DE L'IMAGE JPEG ENVOYÉE, je communiquais comme cela en passant pour un pingre voir un clochard, car les femmes ne connaissent pas les sommes cosmiques demandées aux hommes pour tout. Plus grave, UA DREAMS est un "profiteur de guerre". D'une, la direction est Russe et de deux ils font croire aux femmes ne connaissant pas les tarifs qu'une partie des sommes affolantes payées par leur amoureux sont reversés pour l'aide a la guerre l'Ukraine leur donnant de plus bonne conscience, c'est a vomir, surtout les nombreuses veuves de guerre (des russes aidant des ukrainiens, un petit bug, non?). Ils expliquent faire des dons (a prouver), offre t tel des bienfaiteurs de l'humanité des serviettes hygiéniques, tampons, couches, lait en poudre, mais rien pour nos gars su front qui crèvent dans l'indifférence et je sais de quoi je parle... ces pauvres femmes crroyant aider leur pays, les Ukrainiens sont de solides patriotes et ferais n"importe quoi pour que leur pays retrouve sa souveraineté. Le siège de UA DREAMS est situé "off shore" a gibraltar dans une chambre d'hôtel (evitant les sanctions occidentales). Je suis en colère d'une force pour une raison sue vous comprendrez de suite, car, je suis un ancien commando des forces speciales du renseignement montagne "La célèbre 7 de Chasseurs Alpins", puis j'ai signé pour les services exterieurs français. J'ai combattu 5 fois en Ukraines par conviction, par amour de ce pays, son peuple, sa culture si riche et proche de la notre (c'est Richelieux qui a fait construire Odessa)et a mes frais. Mes 50.000€ d'économies d'une vie de sous officier spéciale y sont passés, sans compter 3 blessures graves, la perte de 2 vieux frères d'armes de 20 ans de combat, les 2 papa q qui j'ai du annoncer le décès au combat de leur Mari (je les est enterrés de mes mains, reposez en paix mes frères) qui m'aurais suivient en enfer. Comment peut ont laisser ces proxenètes notoires oeuvrer en Europe? Je déteste l'injustice et les Orcs. J'ai rencontré 2 femmes0 adorables sur Au DREAMS ayant 1 enfants avec qui nous devions nous marier et surtout les mettres a l'abri en France, dont une dermatologue d'Odessa, les 2 love story sont parties aux toilettes, le site ayant tiré la chasse, car ne pouvant pas suivre financierement, elle ne m'ont pas crus quand je leur est fait part de ce que nous hommes payons a des Russes (c'est ubuesque et amoral, Olechka la dermatologue touche 400€/mois) pour correspondre sans espoir de les sortir de leurs griffes. Elle ne m'ont pas crues alors que tout allait pour le mieux, j'ai été pris pour un pervers en leur proposant (sans les obliger a quitter le site ce qui aurait été malsain de ma part, elles étaient libres tant que nous ne faisions pas nos vies ensembles) de nous connecter sur Telegramm, Wattzapp ou même Messenger, ou il m'etais impossible ni de connaitre leur noms de famille, ni adresse, ni portable, rien, afin de vivre quelques mois une vie de famille virtuelle avant de nous rejoindre, la reponse fut un coup de panique hallucinant. En tant que militaire étant partie dès le 5 mars 2022 pour former et combattre les russes, et étant snipper, donc après m'être acheter mon Barreth M82 calibre 50BMG a 18.000€ et 20€ la cartouche, payé mon equipement balistique, mes voyages, pris une balle de 7'62 dans l'epaule, des éclats de grenades et d'obus, fait prisonnier par le FSB a Barkmout dormant chez un partisan m'ayant balancés. J'ai du me faire refaire toute mes dents arrachés lors de séances de torture, 2 de mes frères d'armes m'ayant sauvé a temps dans la voiture qui me ramenait en Russie pour me faire parler, (combattant sans drapeaux, donc espion sur théatre d'opération) en abattant les 2 agents du FSB ou du GRU russe et m'exfiltrer grace aux services Ukrainiens m'ayant evacués sur Kiev puis en Pologne. Je ne raconte pas ma vie, je tente de toute les forces d'étayer mes accusations en parlant des tenznts et aboutissants en évitant de situér tout ceci hors contexte. Ces gens n'ont aucunes scrupules, tout est bon pour faire de l'argent a des tarifs de millionnaires, faisant intelligement croire, aider et sauver ses femme seule et leurs enfants post traumatisés et perdues de cette enfer, de nous aimer, refaire notre vies, nous marier, imaginez ma déception, ma colère et ma douleur. Je suis rentré de ma dernière mission d'Adviivka début décembre, un éclat de mortier de 120 dans le tibia. Et ces pauvres femmes tapinant virtuellement sans le savoir ou s'en rendre compte tellement le système est rodé, pour des ordures esclavagiste 2.0 les utilisants pour que nous occidentaux leur assurent de substantielles revenues en utilisant des femmes Ukrainienes persuadées d'aider leur patrie alors que ce sont des russes qui gèrent tout cela s'engraissant comme des porcs avec notre argent en utilisant sans qu'elle ne s'en doute leur rêve de quitter cette enfer et servant d'appât. Vous en pensez quoi? Perso je suis ecoeuré et malgré être un "bonhomme" avec 30 années de forces speciales montagne derrière lui, ayant abattu des miliers de salopards sur toutes la planètes (c'etais mon job) pour découvrir que j'ai depensé 500€ pour finir mort de chagrin en plein debut de depression nerveuse sévère doubler de divers stress post traumatique comme tout soldats rentrant d'une guerre aussi intensive et ne supportant pas ce chagrin qui me bouffe comme un cancer, oui, je peut parler d'injustice cruelle et ecoeurante, de proxenetisme mafieux, et le pire, de decouvrir que je suis emotionnellement complètement détruit, demoli avec des idées de carnage sur ces gens qui plus est comble du cynisme en ayant payé mes ennemis les Orcs. Tout le monde dois savoir ce qu'est ce site "agence matrimoniale serieuse en ligne " ou l'ont demznde les papiers des femmes et exigeant si divorcés le certificat de divorce ou de décès "pour protéger les hommes. Pourquoi ne m'a t'ont même pas demandé une copie de mes papiers afin de verifier la véracité de mon profil?. Tout ce que je denonce est facilement verifiable l'inscription est gratuite vous jugerez sur pieces, vous n'allez pas y croire, les femmes croyant bien faire vous envoie des photos perso pas faite en studio vous montrer qui elles sont dans leurs vie, vous présenter leur enfants ou une mini video adorable a 6€ pour les visualiser croyant que vous les ouvrez sans savoir que pour deflouter la photo envoyé dans un soucis de sérieux de leurs part il faut payer 3,80€, votre description est un episode des bisounours, que l'on me mette un de des patrons du site en face, je prendrais plaisir a lui enlever la vie de mes mains, rien que d'avoir profiter de la guerre et cerise sur le gâteau de nationalité ennemie, de pauvres femmes fragiles et naïves, les habillants lors des séances photos aguicheuses ?vous sentez dans. Le regard de la plupart une repsion mour xe quelle font. #
Des postures que le photographe exiges, les vêtement, jupettes sexy ou maillot dans des postures plus qu'explicites pretextant que c'edt comme ça que les hommes aimes voir les femmes en les salissants comme des prostitués alors que je n'est parlé qu'avec de belles personnes, fragiles, belles, saines, gentilles comme tout, timides, ne souhaitant qu'une choses, fuire cette guerre la plus pourris et immorale que j'ai vecu dans ma longue carriere et trouver les bras d'un homme gentil sachant les aimer tel qu'elle le mérite afin de chasser leurs vieux démons et surtout apporter la sécurité a leurs enfant, (c'est a vomir). Retrouver le calme d'une vie simple et heureuse, en paix avec leur homme quelle vénère et aiment, de l'amour, de la gentillesse pour elles et leur enfants, c'est abjecte. Sachez qu'avant le 24/02/2022 ce site "proposait a son catalogue",des femmes Russes et ukrainienne, il n'y a plus de femmes Russes,étrange, non?mais si une russe ne peu plus sortir de russie pour se marier en occident ou aux states, surtout qu'elle ne ne le merite pas car pire que certaines des pires femmes carnassières occidentales, ce qui n'est pas le cas des femmes Ukrainiennes. Vous connaissez le combat, a distance, au corps a corps, sous les roquettes grad autre merde que j'ai pu prendre 5 fois 2 mois, les hurlement du frères d'armes qui 2 minutes avant vous fumiez une clop se retrouvant le ventre ouvert vivant et hurlant ou mourrant dans vos bras, c'est ça l'Ukraine. J'espère sincèrement que vous verifirez mes dires et reecrirait votre avivis different de celui que je viens de lire qui est faux a 80%. Pardon pour la longueur de mon texte mais cette mafia est tellement complexe qu'il faudrait ecrire un livre rien que concernant mes 2 experiences. Pour finir, depuis mon retour d'Adviivka il y a 1 mois, n'ayant aucunes familles, je pleure tout les jours comme un gosse enfermés dans ma maison pyrénéenne avec souvant l'envie d'en finir avec mon arme de dotation. J'espère de tout mon coeur que vous ne vous ferez pas avoir par cette mafia russe. N'en voulez pas a ces femmes a 95% honnêtes mais si perdues et naïves, soyez gentil, tendre et plein. d'empathie avec elle, car ce sont des femmes formidables. Rappelez vous, le seul moyen de passer une adresse mails, un telephone ou autre, faite un montage photo sur votre mortable en ecrivant lisiblement sur votre photo de profil chzngeable plusieurs fois / jours que leur bot ne detecteront pas. Bonne 2024 a tous, surtout la santé et prions pour que ce chaos mondial orchestré par Poutine en personne, ne vire pas en troisiieme guerre mondiale, nous sommes deja sur les rails. Pour prouvez ma bonne fois ou si vous avez ressenti la même douleur que moi sur ce site je vous laisse mon mail perso et mon nom.
Didier S. Toulouse France. PS: n'en voulez pas a ces mauvres femmes esclaves malgré elles, c'est horrible, je suis un homme d'honneur et on ne touche jamais ni une femme ni un enfants ou l'ont n'est pas un homme maid un cafard. Merci a celles et ceux ayant lu. Merci d'avance au plaisir de vous lire. Je dois me remettre de mes blessures physiques de la dernière mission et psychologiques bien plus douloureuses, des plaies beantes que de savoir que 2 femmes m'aiment et sont comme moi perdue ne sachant comment me retrouver. Tout ça par leur peur infligé par ses mauvaises personnes et naïveté. Bien a vous.
I still decided to go to…
I still decided to go to Ukraine, although it took more than 20 hours to get from Poland by bus. My girlfriend Oksana lives in Cherkasy and we met at the agency’s office. I wholeheartedly recommend the translator Alena. She is a very nice girl and will not let you get bored. When my girlfriend was at work, the translator showed me the city and I was surrounded by care. The service at Uadreams is very high level and they care about every client. I'm glad that there are honest agencies like Uadreams.
I read reviews about…
I read reviews about uadreams and decided to become a client of this site. I even bought one email credit and now I don’t know who to spend it on because I like almost all the girls on the site. I read that on dating sites you receive automatic letters that are written by the site itself and not by the girl. But on uadreams I was surprised that the girls wrote in their letters that they had read my profile and knew that I was from Canada. I'm thinking of starting to chat with a girl who commented on every photo in my profile. Tanya from Sumy simply captivated me!
Ukrainian girls are really…
Ukrainian girls are really very beautiful. Most impressive is that they wear long hair and high heels and makeup. And I am also impressed that there are a lot of slim girls in Ukraine and in general they take care of themselves and are very feminine. That's probably why I started looking for a wife on dating sites and that's how I ended up on UaDreams. I like the site itself but some functions work sometimes slowly. I am glad that the managers and the technical department respond very quickly and in most cases solve my problem. For example Ksenia has recently told me in great detail and patiently what settings need to be changed so that the camera for video chat works. By the way, video chat is just my favorite service. Real-time videos are just proof of girls being real.
I chose the uadreams site…
I chose the uadreams site and made the right choice. I had a car accident a month ago and was in the hospital for a week . Nothing serious but my head ached a lot and I didn’t use the site for a whole week and didn’t communicate with anyone. When I went to uadreams after I left the hospital my mailbox was literally bursting with letters from my girlfriend Olha. She wrote every day and asked how I was doing and recorded audio and video messages. She worried if everything was okay with me. I hurried to write to her and that evening we managed to chat. This is good otherwise the girl thought that I had lost interest. Luckily she was waiting for me and didn’t start talking with someone else;) But thanks to this situation I realized that the girls on uadreams are real because on all video and audio messages Olha called me by name and recalled moments from my letters. I am seriously considering going to Poltava when the war is over and meeting her. They say the agency organizes meetings abroad too and maybe we will use this opportunity.
I have been on uadreams for…
I have been on uadreams for several months. I wonder how they manage to organize photo shoots for girls in wartime. Today I saw photos and videos of girls in bikinis on the site and f I could not shut down the page;) I asked the girls with whom I communicate in chats where they made such cool photos and videos and they answered that the agency organized it for free. I like such promotions not only because I like to look at girls in swimsuits (I like it of course;) but also because it is immediately makes clear that the girls are real and their profiles are real and are regularly updated. If the agency can help their clients take cool pictures - that's great! I am a photographer myself and I love good quality and I immediately see when something is wrong with the quality of the pictures. But uadreams pleasantly surprises.
I am now in the West of…
I am now in the West of Ukraine in Rivne. Uadreams tries to organize a good service during the war. Luckily there was only one alarm while I'm here. Manager Liuba took me to the shelter, was with me until the alarm ended Oh, she took coffee and cookies to the shelter to make me relaxed. It is noticeable that the agency appreciates the fact that clients continue to come to Ukraine, despite the war. The girl I chatted with is very nice and I like her. I worried whether everything was real and whether she would come to the meeting at all. But I'm glad I decided to take this trip.
Having previously been a…
Having previously been a client at a particular matchmaking agency and other international dating sites and there experienced a lot of not serious girls and even professional daters it is a great relief and joy to come to uadreams site with takes pride in only dealing with ladies who have the project of finding a life partner as a high priority in their mind. The agency provided us with an interpreter Irina whom I experienced to be pleasant and skilled. Thank you a lot!
I had not a lot of time for…
I had not a lot of time for this trip but fortunately the support team helped me and everything was fine from the agency in Poltava. I had very friendly interpreter Tanya and feel very comfortable to meet a wonderful girl with her help.
Hey! I wanted to chime in…
Hey! I wanted to chime in and share my experience with Uadreams. I understand that there have been concerns about whether it's a scam or not, and I wanted to offer my perspective.
After joining Uadreams and using their services for a while now, I can confidently say that it is not a scam. I have met genuine people and had meaningful conversations with women on the site. The verification process and the site's commitment to security gave me peace of mind.
While there are costs associated with using the site, I found them to be transparent about their services and pricing. It's important to approach any online dating platform with caution, but based on my experience, I haven't encountered any fraudulent or deceitful activities on Uadreams.
That being said, everyone's experience may vary, so I encourage you to do your own research, read reviews, and make an informed decision that aligns with your comfort level.
good site
good site
Uadreams is by far the best…
Uadreams is by far the best dating site I have ever used and they are very helpful with regards to any requests or questions.
With uadreams my experience…
With uadreams my experience has been the best of all time. Support team is very friendly and helpful. Their dating specialists are supporting me while I have been in Ukraine. Thank you very everything!
I want to give a special…
I want to give a special thanks to Lyudmila and Diana. I’ve spent most of my time with them who is very friendly and professional. Diana helped me in select hotel. She also helped me learn many new Ukrainian words and phrases. I think that the Ukraine is my second home. Thank you for such a great time.
I came here to see what…
I came here to see what uadreams site is like. So far I have spoken to a couple real very beautiful girls in video chat. I'm interested to see where it goes.
I organized the trip in…
I organized the trip in Ukraine myself, so I need not the trip booking from the agency for myself. But anyway I would like to thank uadreams for their support. My trip was successfully accompanied when I put my trust into the organizations responsibility. I recommend this site to anyone seeking love, new friendships and marriage with the Ukrainian girls.
I was very pleasant again to…
I was very pleasant again to be at Kyiv for the second time. The interpreter Tanya was good again and the girl I met again was very nice. I like the people over there and will try to help these. Because I also did kind of business. And I have learnt again many new things of this culture. I want to meet this girl again by this site.
I want to thank Uadreams…
I want to thank Uadreams site for the support while my stay in Lviv. It was very nice trip with my girl. The trip manager and interpreter were supportive and friendly. She helped us to overcome the language barrier and made me to feel comfortable and to feel as I am in my home country.
I give my opinion strongly…
I give my opinion strongly about this website.
The important issue is that the U.A. Dream website uses women to attract men. Provides free service to women. Professional photos and professional videos. The more women there are, the more useful it is for the website.
The website sends letters to men without women's permission. They use romantic and emotional words in letters to attract men to correspond and pay to the website.
They change the words in the letters and fix everything so that the correspondence goes.
Both women and men are harmed on this website because the website is not honest and plays with women and men. It is worse for men because they have to pay for this website.
Remember not to choose very young girls with a large age gap for correspondence. Do not take the letters seriously when it is too unusual and leave the correspondence.
in video chat. Your message reaches the girls. You can see their reaction, but the message written to you by the girl is actually written by the translator, not the girl. I saw in the video chat that the girl's hands are not typing anything and she is neither talking nor typing with the translator, so of course you are corresponding with the translator and this is not good.
I say again. Women come to the website hoping to find a man, but the website has a completely commercial view of them and uses them to earn money, and for the website, only money is important.
The marriages that the website has given as examples are all in old age.
They harm both women and men, but men more because they give money to the website.
I strongly recommend this…
I strongly recommend this website.
The important issue is that the Uadreams website uses women to attract men. Provides free service to women. Professional photos and professional videos. The more women there are, the more useful it is for the website.
The website sends letters to men without women's permission. They use romantic and emotional words in letters to attract men to correspond and pay to the website.
They change the words in the letters and fix everything so that the correspondence goes.
Both women and men are harmed on this website because the website is not honest and plays with women and men. It is worse for men because they have to pay for this website.
Remember not to choose very young girls with a large age gap for correspondence. Do not take the letters seriously when it is too unusual and leave the correspondence.
in video chat. Your message reaches the girls. You can see their reaction, but the message written to you by the girl is actually written by the translator, not the girl. I saw in the video chat that the girl's hands are not typing anything and she is neither talking nor typing with the translator, so of course you are corresponding with the translator and this is not good.
I say again. Women come to the website hoping to find a man, but the website has a completely commercial view of them and uses them to earn money, and for the website, only money is important.
The marriages that the website has given as examples are all in old age.
They harm both women and men, but men more because they give money to the website.
I edit the title I give my…
I edit the title
I give my opinion strongly about this website.
In reply to I strongly recommend this… by Dani55
OK I am going to be
OK I am going to be controversial and say someting strange. I have used UA Dreams for 2 years. I have communicated with 8 women. So the first question is, is the site a genuine site. I believe the answer is yes. They openly tell you all the pricing and hide nothing. They openly state that the girls are photographed with the "sales catalogue" in mind so use high glamour techniques. Something I think is wrong since many of the women are not as pretty as they make out. Thus false impressions about the girls looks are being presented. I have heard the argument that Ukrainian women want to present themselves the best they can but generally they do not have a professional make-up artist and hairstylist and 2000 watts of studio lights every morning, so I hate this approach. As a photgrpher fortunately I can see through it. Another problem is that many Ukrainian women seek foriegners following trauma of divorce so are really just wanting someone to talk too and are not serious about marrying a foreigner. Another option is that the girls are getting paid. I have seen girls come to the site and leave the site. I have seen one leave and has now returned!!! One or two have been on the site since 2012. Finding failure with the site has become a hobby of mine. It has cost me a fortune but has been fun. I could make a video out of it. The problem with the girls is finding them elsewhere on the internet. One thing about Ukrainian girls is that they love social media. Put any of the girls name, age and city into Google and thier pictures can be seen in images but that is it. Trying to find out if the girls are real is very difficult. Out of the 8 one girl left the site and I tracked her to another site. Last I heard her profile had been suspended for scamming checks. Another left and is on another site and a local dating agency in Kharkiv. Another left the site to look after her mother and daughter and is currently on VK. However it is a long time since she visited the site. One left after she found a younger local guy. One I still chat to every now and then but she at one point appeared on UkrainDating so I stopped conversation for a while. So the women are real but what about their real intent and are you chatting to the women? Well here comes my amazing encounter with two women from the site. I began chatting to one who wanted someone to talk too. I told her she was too young for a relationship. OK so I ignored that and carried on chatting. She was my 30 years younger. This girl was unusal in that she had a very specific hobby. The problem came when we arranged to meet. Normally I have a policy of meeting within three months or it is off. This meet was delayed 3 times. When we did meet it was for 6 hours over three days. I believe this might have had something to do with the fact I know Ukraine well so did not use the agency to arrange travel and an apartment so they did not earn anything out of me. So the meeting did not go well and left a bad feeling although I now had her phone number. She never used her phone number always wanting to use the site. Something was suspicious so I had a detective do a background check. Everything came up OK that she was single and genuine but I also had discovered that her mate was also on the site. I ended up talking to both of the girls. This became very interesting when through the internet I actually found out their respective surnames. Further searches revealed their social media accounts also. Briefly one was open to public view the other was not. I was honest and revealed that I had seen the social media content and then the trouble started. I consulted a Ukrainian dating guide about some of the things I had seen on the social media. She told me if they are getting paid to be on the site and I have no money they will soon leave. Well when COVID 19 struck I became unemployed and the girls terminated relations as the advisor said. I can vouch though that the ladies in chat were themselves and not interpreters doing the typing. I can confirm most of the time I believe that messaging was done by just one of them. The reason being is that no matter when I sent a message they both replied with 30 minutes of each other. So were they there for genuine relationships? Well when COVID 19 hit I lost my job. Having met the lady I could communicate by any other means. I provided my e-mail and I sent a message on Viber. The message on Viber was not replied too and when questioned it just so happened that she had broken her phone. Confirmed within a couple of hours by her mate who just happened to meet her in the supermarket. Mmm believe that if you will. Secondly she would not use any other communication platform other than UA Dreams. So in my opinion the girls there are real and genuine but they are paid to be there and chat, so delaying meeting extends their income. Do they seek a foreign husband? Highly unlikely. They are there for the money. 35 year old girls are not interested in 60 year old men. However if you are really lucky you might find a lady who will fall in love with you.
UAdreams is a Garbage site
UAdreams is a Garbage site of scammers . I talked to many ladies and everytime its Games . I was in Ukraine to see the problems in the country and this site has zero credibility when Ukraine need much help improving the country. They started a war with Russia over being Drunken on Vodka and can follow Liget Business contracts. This is nothing but a trafficing site for Ukraine Pole Dancers and whores .It not to meet any Good lady that goes to Church and wants a real Husband . It tied to Chinese Trafficing of young ladies for thier Fassion Industry of Using young woman. It be better if Russians take thier people Back to Russia from Orthodox Familys because Ukraine a mess. They USA has no Clue at what the hell thier doing when its all Games all over Europe again. This is Problem with Ukraine and its history of doing BAd Business that get the country Destroyed.
I see why thier pissed off with USA when the Russian Orthodox church is paying for the stupid Drunken people in Kiev taking Bribes
Total scam site and can get
Total scam site and can get expensive. Chats go nowhere
I wrote to two women only
I wrote to two women only last year because I was suspicious due to poor online reviews. There were communication issues with one so I politely stopped the correspondence and she didn't pursue me and later left the site. The second one seemed very genuine and wrote long considerate messages and we videochatted so I know she existed....but that doesn't confirm she was writing the replies! The problem here was that for 6 months she kept deferring our meetings and then inexplicably said she'd meet me on the 6th December after I told her I was away for three months from 3rd December. When I complained she wouldn't write to me any more siting 'trust issues'!
A similarly middle aged friend set up an account and found that most women aged 40+ rejected him but all the younger drop dead gorgeous girls replied as had happened with me! If it was totally a scam, why would any of the ladies, of any age, reject a message since they would want their commission and to encourage credit spending? But it can't be true that all these beautiful young ladies all want two middle aged men!!;)
Well, yeah, you're lucky
Well, yeah, you're lucky enough, Fred. uadreams scammed me and some of my friends - we just lost money on comunications with no result.
Weird. I found an honest and
Weird. I found an honest and real woman on uadreams.com with my first attempt. Though, I think I'm just lucky enough to avoid being scammed
Hi, what i know is
Hi, what i know is that UADreams are not serious at all, i tried many times to contact girls there but efery time i'm receiveing robot messages from girls that's mean there is no real one's there.
Yes, there're some. Your
Yes, there're some. Your success rate with uadreams is about 2%, if you think it's high enough you can invest money in that site. We get hundreds of complaints on uadreams but did not get any happy love story for the moment, though there should be some.