Is a scam site?

Checking on whether CharmDate is a scam site?

Bonjour, je m’appelle…

Bonjour, je m’appelle Monique LANTIN (île de la Réunion) et je suis victime d’une arnaque sentimentale sur le net. Le prétendant s’appelle Alain Verdier médecin chirurgien à Lille parti en mission humanitaire en Côte d’Ivoire et c’est fait bloquer sa carte bancaire et enlevée son passeport. On sympathise et au bout de quelques jours, il me demande 750 euros pour les frais de l’hôtel 5 étoiles, car il n’a plus de carte, ceci dit, je me dis pourquoi pas et je lui envoie via le western union les 750 euros qu'il m'avait demandé.

J'AI ÉTÉ VICTIME D'ARNAQUE SENTIMENTALE SUR MEETIC La semaine suivante il doit rentrer en France et par coup de mal chance il se fait attrapé a la douane car soit disant il avait des médicaments pour le stresse sur lui qui ne sont pas autoriser la bas mais en France oui, il me demande 1500 euros pour les frais de son hôtel , je le lui donne toujours par les mêmes moyens, deux semaines plus tard il opère un gamin qui décède et soit disant les parents richissimes Je le poursuit en justice et là c’est la garde a vue pareil il demande encore des sous cette fois les sommes sont plus importantes cela varie entre 7 250 et 9 500 euros pour lui éviter la prison, et c’est reparti je paye dernièrement il devait rentrer a la Réunion pour me rencontrer soit disant et là coup de mal chance il a un accident de la circulation et se retrouve a l’hôpital et là aussi les frais sont exorbitant car la bas tout est payant et les frais médicaux ne sont pas donner cette fois il demande 6000 euros que je refuse de payer car je trouve cela pas normal alors il me demande de payer la moitié que je refuse aussi et au final se sera que 3000 euros pour finir de m’amadouer je paye les 2000 euros et il rentre encore un coup de mal chance il est opéré hier soir et dans le coma donc impossible de rentrer son médecin du nom de Pascal HUBERT qui est fictif aussi me contacte via le Messenger de Bruno VANCHE et me met au courant de la situation là je me pose et réfléchie je me dis que cela fait quatre fois qu’il doit soit disant rentrer en vain je trouve cela louche.

Là, j’ai commencé à douter de sa sincérité alors j’ai exposé mon cas à une ex marie qui m'a mis en contact avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX qui est un ami pour lui depuis l'enfance qui est un agent Interpole qui m’a beaucoup aidé. Après avoir eu des collaborations avec M. PASCAL TAVIAUX m'a demandé de lui faire voir les preuves reçues photo pièces d'identité etc. Grâce aux preuves fournies au Lieutenant, j'ai reçu à tout récupérer en effet, il m’a démontré que c'était de l’arnaque alors il m’a aidé à me faire rembourser avec un dédommagement.

Je prie toute personne ayant été victime d’une arnaque de contacter cette organisation afin qu’elle puisse vous aider à retrouver vos escrocs enfin d’être remboursé avec un dédommagement. 

Pour ceux qui sont dans la même situation que moi essayer de joindre le directeur de l’interpole M. PASCAL TAVIAUX et vous aurez satisfaction merci.  

Cordialement à vous


I haven't personally used it…

I haven't personally used it, but I've read a lot about it. Use it cautiously, as there's plenty of information suggesting it might be a scam site.


Here's the video of our…

Here's the video of our investigation about charmdate and similar scams dating sites:


I had an online relationship…

I had an online relationship with a girl from this site then as i was visiting Ukraine on business we had a meeting in person followed by another a few months later and a weekend together in Moscow all was looking good I thought.

She then went to Israel for he summer to visit family and would not let me come there to visit, the relationship ended when she returned to the Ukraine as she said she the feelings she had had for me were no longer there. She has since returned to Israel where she now lives and has a boyfriend or husband with her, we are connected on social media so I know this is true 100%.

However she is still on the agency as living in her hometown and still available for video chat as a couple of times recently I was on the site and received notification she was online in chat!

Also once in chat a guy briefly appeared behind her and I know from a guy in Finland that he was also speaking with her and had seen same. I am convinced that the girls do get paid which means that is the true reason the majority are on the site.

You only have to visit a the website a few times and you will see the same girls in chat all the time...


Hi ..yes to a point charm is

Hi ..yes to a point charm is huge advertof glitz and glam and you are looking for a needle in a haystack ..however I will report back to you on my findings in late july ..not all are scammers it's just damn hard work finding the right genuine people here ..and if you are not familiar with ukriane and the women it can deceive you have to know the people and communicate ..better just visit ukriane make friends understand the culture the ways a relationship with the country..then if your really serious go to any dating site and you will know by your instincts who is real and who is not .. charm will use the same back drops on most photos seems they have about several locations but you will see in the  background same settings where the photos are taken.. and no the girls dont pay to be in chat ..yes u do ..and that goes for women signing up to look for a man ..charmdate made record profits of over 32 million thanks to the yes please be careful  watch your credit be disciplined  and watch the signs.. if your smart you can control your account you can restrict  unwanted mail..there are scammers everywhere ..also charm is connected to cupid network and its has a mirror image called exactly the same set up  I have caught many out by doing this ..u have to play them at their own game to find the real from the fake ones ..... I will report back and tell you the outcome..see you all near the end of july ..I hope to bring you some light at the end of tunnel regarding charm..


This company, hires girls,

This company, hires girls, many are sent to them by agencies that deal with good looking woman,  as fronts, that is.... they or the agency that sends them, make a portfolio of photography, and videos, of the girl,  a vast percentage of this girl do not stay at the site,  or online, when they are available, they have their videos and photos posted, a user comes, likes the girl, gets in touch with her, and is charge a good deal of money, this person believes he is talking to the girl he saw her photo, but no, he is not, he is chatting with some hire employee of charmdate, that makes himself appear as the girl, who might be in another city, sleeping or whatever, her payment is she gets  50% of what the man spends on her profile in the site.


When a video comes in turn, since the man wants to see the girl, the site, Charmdate, presents a video previously film of the girl and the employee does the writing of the conversation, when and if the man wants to see her standing up, or wants to prove her validity, they stop the video, makes excuses, that the internet is not working etc. etc,   THis people are experts on this situations, I do understand this is a business and this people, their owners, can run it as they want to, but one thing is run a decent site, another is scam people by pretending he is in contact with a lady and he is not.


I have written and complaint to them not least than 12/14 times, and they come back, with letters, well made, by their lawyers, which they have good ones,  they know that they are working illegally and scamming people, with no answers but just nice words, and no solutions.  They post prices of usage, for example, one credit, which  at the cheapest fare is Usdlr four,  is supposed to last for 10 minutes in the chat, their advertising stipulates that the cost is 0,50 credits for five minutes, but they grossly overcharge not only on the values of the chats, but in the telephone calls, and the video usage.


There are in this site some girls who are truly looking for somebody but must of them are fakes.  I have proved this a few times already, and have been explicit as to tell them but they do not care.  They have a good business for them going, but not for their clientele, so they keep scamming innocent users


This situations produce an ill will and  bad name for the ukrainian people, as to have scameer in internet going as they please, lying and overcharging.   


I do not want to ge into the matter of possible collusion with prostitution.


I will like to know from you, what can be done about this, and what steps should I take, I have told them already that I want to sue them and take them to court.


I would even say "the king of

I would even say "the king of dating scams"


Sure, it's one of the biggest

Sure, it's one of the biggest scams dating sites


it's one of biggest scam

it's one of biggest scam dating sites, watch this video how they scam men


Wanting to know if

Wanting to know if is a ascam dating site?
