I have some potential women in Ukraina. But why the most of them are divorced? I mean unproteted sexual I mean unproteted sexual relations between underages. It causes unwanted pregnancy, as concequence - marriage and divorce. Accedi o registrati per poter commentare Georg 8 Aprile, 2020 - 16:07 what do u mean, georg? what do u mean, georg? Accedi o registrati per poter commentare quinticinti 6 Aprile, 2020 - 16:06 Hell knows, what can you tell Hell knows, what can you tell about weddinds because of pregnancy there? So, that's why we have a lot of Ukrainan divorced ladies Accedi o registrati per poter commentare Georg 4 Aprile, 2020 - 19:16 Travelling to Ukraine Accedi o registrati per poter commentare
I mean unproteted sexual I mean unproteted sexual relations between underages. It causes unwanted pregnancy, as concequence - marriage and divorce. Accedi o registrati per poter commentare Georg 8 Aprile, 2020 - 16:07
what do u mean, georg? what do u mean, georg? Accedi o registrati per poter commentare quinticinti 6 Aprile, 2020 - 16:06
Hell knows, what can you tell Hell knows, what can you tell about weddinds because of pregnancy there? So, that's why we have a lot of Ukrainan divorced ladies Accedi o registrati per poter commentare Georg 4 Aprile, 2020 - 19:16
I mean unproteted sexual
I mean unproteted sexual relations between underages. It causes unwanted pregnancy, as concequence - marriage and divorce.
what do u mean, georg?
what do u mean, georg?
Hell knows, what can you tell
Hell knows, what can you tell about weddinds because of pregnancy there? So, that's why we have a lot of Ukrainan divorced ladies